A gathering for people committed to caring for God’s creation, sharing best practice, new initiatives, and encouraging one another in faithful stewardship.
The Methodist Church has set a target to acheive net zero by 2030. At the first gathering of our District Environmental Forum we will celebrate the good work that is going on across the district, consider how best to resource and support congregations as well as identifying the challenges and opportunities that are emerging.
Guest Speaker
We’re delighted to be joined by Melanie Nazareth of Green Christian and Christian Climate Action. Melanie is mother to four young adults who face the challenges of living in our climate changed world. Of Indian origin, she was born in Kenya, and spent much of her childhood in the Solomon Islands in the Western Pacific. These links fuel a deepening commitment to working for climate justice. This journey has led her from a career as a lawyer to studying theology, ecology and ethics and to activism with Green Christian, Christian Climate Action, and Extinction Rebellion.